The Moriah School, Guntur, India
Since the Moriah School was established in 1999 under the direction of Mrs. Karuna Dasari, the mission has been to increase opportunities for children from impoverished backgrounds to obtain quality education. The school and Children’s Home is an extension of the Bible Faith Lutheran Ministries that started as a mission in 1977 under the leadership of Rev. Rao Dasari. There are now over 40 Bible Faith Lutheran churches near Guntur.
The Moriah School has welcomed children from some of the most economically disadvantaged areas in the Guntur area. Donations from supporters make it possible for families to afford low tuition and receive a better education than they would in the local public schools.
Education for girls is especially critical, since many have to return home after 7th grade to work and help support the family. Helping girls to complete high school can be a path to greater opportunities – a higher education, a career and employability.
Moriah School increases opportunities for children from impoverished backgrounds to obtain quality education.
Major thrust of Moriah School is to teach the WHOLE child - mind, body and soul
Some students who have received their education at Moriah have succeeded as doctors, teachers, pastors, nurses and in other occupations that have allowed them to rise far above the poverty level.
In addition to the school, children who have one or no parent or are living in homes where there is not enough food for the family are welcome to reside in the Moriah Children’s Home during the school year. They are fed and cared for while receiving a quality education.
After the death of Rev. Rao Dasari and later his wife Karuna, their three children, David, Paul and Esther have been dedicated to the support and continuation of the church and school’s ministry. The compassion shown to the people who are under great financial strain in the Guntur area is inspiring a desire in others to come alongside to help financially so the ministry can continue.
Several churches in Minnesota (St. James Lutheran Church, St. Paul; Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Plymouth; and St. John’s Lutheran Church, Maple Grove) have been faithful supporters of the work in India with monetary gifts, donations of books and supplies, prayers and volunteer teaching and support. Members of various churches have participated in mission trips to visit and encourage the churches and Moriah students and staff.
Moriah Children’s Home
St. James Lutheran Church Mission Group in 2019
Savior Lutheran Church Mission Group
If you are one of the friends of Moriah School in Guntur, India, you have probably seen the classrooms. You most likely have an image in mind like this picture of many students crowded into small classrooms. Educators who visited observed an environment far from optimal.
Items Needed for Early Childhood Education
These items are NOT available at Moriah School
- Building toys
- Rhythm instruments
- Dramatic play
- Library
- Math and manipulatives
- Writing area or literacy area
Plans to furnish Early Education rooms by 2021-2022 school term
The current plan is to send a large shipment of equipment/supplies to equip the learning areas for early childhood/lower elementary classrooms. A funding strategy to enable this will be shared in early 2021.
The quality of education for preschoolers and kindergartners will be greatly enriched by the addition of learning materials. Classroom spaces will be modified to provide space for the new learning materials.
Plans for Expansion
Coming soon – a new facility for the Moriah Early Childhood Education. Updates will be shared as more information is available.
The Moriah English Language Project has been slowed since May due to the Covid pandemic when students and staff could no longer come to school. Planning for curriculum and staff development continues. Additional volunteers are needed to help with curriculum and implementation.
"The future depends on what we do in the present."
Mahatma Gandhi
There are many different areas of need where volunteers can help to achieve the mission of the Moriah School.
For questions, comments, or to volunteer, please send an email to Madelyn Krinke at