Graduating students in the 10th “class” (the last class in high school in India) were treated to a special dinner by David Dasari
Young Women who complete 10th Grade at Moriah School have an opportunity for jobs and higher education - unlike many who must leave by age 14 to help support their families with meager wages or be married.
Education gives students the opportunity to achieve their full potential and often is the only way out of poverty.
Early Childhood Education Center
Kindergarten students celebrated completion of the year with special activities
The proud students wore caps and displayed their “diplomas” on the last day of school in April. Teachers put into action the training offered by Sharon K. from the U.S.A. The new way of teaching allowed children to learn by hands-on activities, play, music, dance, learning numbers by counting with all sorts of objects, learning the alphabet by touching cut letters, planting seeds and watching them grow. Teachers were instructed to read books including Bible stories to the children every day. Videos of teachers reading books in English was met with high attention and delight by the children. It was revolutionary and a step ahead of most public schools in India.
Most importantly, the new way of learning has given these students the foundation upon which their future learning can thrive. They have a chance to be successful in their education and have better opportunities in the future. Many of the families can’t afford even the low subsidized tuition. So, we pray for many new donors to help by sponsoring a student this year so all who want to attend MORIAH School will have sponsor who will make it possible.
$1 per day donations by 200+ donors for the coming year would provide funding that would ensure an education at Moriah for all who can only afford a small portion or none of even the low tuition.
Your US dollars are worth more in India than you can possibly imagine. According to the World Bank, the average middle-class family in India lives on the equivalent of US $200/month making it difficult to access quality education. Most of the students at Moriah School come from lower- or middle-class families and are unable to pay all of the tuition.
Thank you very much for your commitment, passion and generosity
Moriah School is operated by Bible Faith Lutheran Ministries to India. Click here for more information. Contact us by email at